Marko Virtanen
physiotherapist OMT
Orthopedic Manual Therapy specialization studies
Sports physiotherapy
Podiatric physiotherapy and functional insoles
Acupuncture as a pain treatment
All musculoskeletal problems with emphasis on spine and shoulder disorders. Also doing sports physiotherapy, pre- and post-operative rehabilitation and lower limb problems (hip, knee and ankle) and evaluation of insole needs. Differential diagnosis of musculoskeletal problems for referring doctors.
I’ve been working in public health care for couple of years. After that, I turned to private sector physiotherapy and I have worked for DBC since 2008. In sports physiotherapy, I had an excellent opportunity to be involved with Espoo Oilers (floorball) in 2008/09. I am also lecturing in one polytechnic physiotherapy college in Finland (sports taping and physiotherapy). International trainer for DBC International since 2012.
DBC Specialist
Dr. Luthfi Gatam, SpOT.,FICS.,Spine Surgeon (K)
Spine Surgeon Specialist
Dr. Peni Kusumastuti, SpRM
Spesialisasi : Spine
Dr. Tjan Sian Hwa MSc, Clinical Pathologist
Clinical Pathologist
Kasubbid Iptek Olah Raga
Dr. Girianto Tjandrawidjaja
Dr. Prihardadi Turidho,Sp.OT
Aloysius Bambang Darwono, MD., Ph.D
Colonel of The Indonesian Army retired
Dr. Simo Taimela, M.D.
CEO and Medical DIrector of DBC International